A Baby Is On The Way, How Do I Still Get My Sleep?
Congrats you are pregnant and you will soon be welcoming that little bundle of joy into the world. The only thing you need to do is first get through the pregnancy. It’s an exciting time but can also be hard to get the sleep you need during this time. It can be uncomfortable to get that night of sleep and you may be looking for tips on how to better your sleep during this period.
Make sure you keep hydrated.
Get enough drinks during the day but cut it down before time. This will help you avoid getting up in the middle of the night to use the restroom if you cut back before bed time. It will help to give you uninterrupted sleep.
Avoid Spicy Foods
Another symptom you may experience is heartburn during this time. It can be painful but you can help prevent it by not eating large amounts of spicy food or acidic food. A food you may want to avoid is tomato products as they produce acid. Also at night you can try sleeping propped up on pillows to help prevent heartburn. They also have special pregnancy pillows to help you sleep better. It can help support your body.
Exercise Regularly
Exercising regularly can help you stay healthy to. It also improves your circulation and reduce leg cramps. It can be simple exercises that you can do if are not feeling up to strenuous movements with being pregnant. It may help you relax and feel healthier too.
Napping is also another thing that can help during this time too. When women napped this help them feel more rested and relaxed during this time.
So these are just a handful of tips that can help you through this exciting time. You sleep may also be interrupted even when the baby arrives also. A good technique to help still get your zzz’s is try to nap when your baby naps during the beginning and with breast feeding with the baby. This may not work for everyone’s schedule but when you can fit in quick nap it will help keep you happier and your baby happier too. Good luck to you in this exciting time!
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