Could It Be Sleep Apnea

Ever wake up in the morning with fatigue and a headache? Still feeling tired as you did when you went to sleep? Or maybe your spouse went to go sleep in another room do to your snoring or gasping for air at night? If any of these occurred you may be experiencing OSA obstructive sleep apnea. A condition where the upper passages of the airway are closed off, and this can interrupt your sleep do to lack of oxygen and waking you up from your sleep. It’s an order that affects a lot of people for example it least 18 million American adults. You may have family members or friends that are affected by this sleep disorder which can be very disruptive.
How can you tell you are suffering from sleep apnea?
One of the ways to officially tell you have this is a sleep study test. Sleep study consist of a test that records what happens while you sleep. It is a good way to tell if certain symptoms are occurring in your sleep. The most common signs of sleep apnea are:
Sleepiness, snoring and gasping. Some of the most prevalent symptoms include Loud constant snoring; constant sleepiness during the day; and pauses in breaths, with accompanied gasping episodes when sleeping.
Now if you are having these symptoms occasionally it does not mean you need to go see an expert or have a study completed necessarily. You may not have the obstructive sleep apnea form you may have just have sleep apnea snore. Though if it is a chronic snore that continues and is loud enough to wake you partner you may want to consider talking with your doctor.
Other signs of sleep apnea
Some other signs of sleep apnea include if you wake up in the morning with a dry mouth and gummy front teeth, this maybe a sign. This may occur do to not being able to breathe through your nose do to obstructive sleep apnea. One way to help some of these symptoms like this is to use a CPAP device, which is the most widely used standard to treat sleep apnea. It helps to keep your mouth closed at night also and allowing air flow to occur.
If you feel you are experiencing any of these symptoms or a combination night after night you may want to outreach to your doctor to discuss your symptoms and what treatments might work better for you. Here’s wishing you a snore free night and a good night’s sleep!
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